23 perkare u shud noe bout me!

Saturday, May 22, 2010
Aku kene tag ngan maryam jamilah lah..lahh..!!

(a) tulis 23 perkara rawak wak wak ( random dem dom ) tentang diri awak(tak kisah lerr bende tuu fakta kerr angan angan kerr cita cita kerr imaginasi ker or wat so ever laa .)

1) sy ank pompuan tunggal..bess oo..haha
2) sy ad kucing name momo..die dh gemok! mari gigitt dieee!!
3) sy peminat manchester united..ohh..dan cristiano ronaldo jugeeeeeeeee!! tp i'm not a die hard fan..sederhanaa saje..but stil a fan...hoho
4) sy anak abah..lalalalala~ >.<
5) uh2, sy penah msk UIA 4 hari je..pastu kene pakse kua oleh mamaku..tp,sy tau smue itu ad sebab disebaliknye..
6) sy nk sgt jd doktor..tp,xdpt..kini,ku bersyukur mengape Allah s.w.t xbg sy jd doktor..hik3..
7) i'm a pharmacist to be..insyaallah xlame lg akan stat keje..*mampukahh??*
8) sy berhati sensitif ye rakan2..ahak3..lawak2...
9) sy cpt marah...tp,cpt jugak sejuk kalo kene gayenye..camne tu? kene blaja marah lame2 nih..
10) sy teringin kete Land Rover..bkn yg versi besar gabak..tp yg size kecik sket tuh..kalo ler ak dpt..aisyoooooooooooooooooo!! besttnyee!
11) sy lemah ye subjek2 yg berunsur matematik..calculus ke..fizik ke...grrrr...menci i..
12) sy ske tgk cite korea n jepon..cite korea tu kalo blh, lg sedeyh lg menareks..ngeee~
13) kalo sy sedeyh, sy suke tgk cite sedeyh..sbb, ad sbb utk menanges lg teresak2..wawawa..
14) sy bakal dpt anak buah yg pertameeeeeeeee!! weeehaaa!! 
15) kakak ipar sy mengandung, tp, abg sy pon nmpak cam mengandung gak...lalala~
16) dlu tyme 1st year (rasenyelaa..xingat), penah bercita2 nak dating kat dataran cendikia (kat uitm shah alam)..tp, hajat tu xtermakbul..almaklumlaa,xde pakwe mase tu..haha
17) kawen nanti sy tringin nk wat theme 'garden wedding'...marilaa taja ak weii!!
18) sy xde memori menarek tyme sek ren...sedey bukan?!
19) taun dpn dah 24!! wutt??!! grrrr...tuenye kau ni...
20) tringin nak bukak kedai farmasi sendiri...moga termakbul impian ini..aminn~
21) sy ni, kasar orgnye...tp,hatiku penoh dgn taman...ngaaaa~ hatiku lembut...
22) sy nak dgr masalah org blh, tp, kalo org nak mintak nasihat sy xblh...hahaha...sgtlaaa bkn pemberi nasehat yg berjaye..
23) ku butuhkan doktor cinta..*smbil nyanyi2*

adoilaaaa..mencanak gak nk menjawab 23 bende ni..bende ke 23 dh merepek habes...haha..papepon,itula sy...heee..

yam,ak xmoo tag org blh? pls3...ngeh3..follower sy sikit je..=p

tenkiu yummy!

Thursday, May 20, 2010
arinikan...bgn2 tido, tetibe ein (abgku) masuk bilik.."oiii,tido lg ke? nah ad org anta mende kat ko.." ak yg tgh cam blur2 bru bgn tapi xnk ngaku bru bgn tido pon mengambil brg yg dihulur itu..amende ni?? tibe2 terdetik di dalam hati..ohh,ad name maryam jamilah!! mende ni la yg die nk anta tu ek..beria mintak alamat umah..ingat nk anta surat cinta ke kat ak...hehe...korg nak tgk ak dpt apee?? jeng3..

:: pen sheaffer u..jgn marah..hahaha ::

ohhh..ad lagi yg special pasal pen ni...tgk btul2 gambar di bawah..

:: ad name ak! ::

ini yg speselnye pasal pen yam bagi ni..ad name ak terlakar di atas bdn pen itu..'nurul hananni'  korg nampak x? bagga2! berkobar ak nak bawak gi keje nanti..pasni xleh ad org curik pen ak lagik!! hua2..

mekaseh maryam jamilah laharadi for the special and unique pen...=))

p/s: meh nk tunjuk muke momo...saje wat iklan..

:: hai,name sy momo..=p ::


Monday, May 17, 2010
Lihat smue org...saye dpt award ini..ngeh3..mekaseh ck maryam jamilah laharadi...lol...=))

what i like about P.A.L.A.M.

PALAM = Puncak Alam...i stayed in Uitm Palam for almost 1 year. Before this in Shah Alam..but we shared building with fclty engineering..skarang-kami-xde-mereka-hepi..in palam,we have our own buildings..in fact,we have 4 blocks just for pharmacy alone..ko-sile-jgn-jeles...so..wut are d things dat i like about Uitm Puncak Alam??

bia gambar yang menceritakan segalenye..ececeh...

:: kami sentiase bersame ::

:: xke gembire ko ad kawan senget camni..ngeh3 ::

:: tyme ni nk exam. smue pegang notes ::

:: mereka sedang bersantai2 di waktu ptg ::

:: we went to China together ::

Palam tu maybe dekat dalam kawasan pedalaman..tapi, ad keistimewaan die. alam sekitar die still terjage. bgn pagi,hirup udara segar, nyaman..kat Palam gak sentiase hujan..tp,kalo terik tu, terik btul r..kampus ni seswai utk org yg rajen bersukan. terutamnye joging! xcaye ngan kehebatan Palam? mari tgk gmbr...
:: ini la kampus uitm puncak alam ::

:: ini tangga ala2 batu caves yg menghubungkan kolej ngan fclty ::

:: palam mmg selalu berkabus..cam genting! ::

:: bgunan kolej::

:: itu padang kawad yg dah jd tempat parking kete ::

:: cik pelangi sering melawat kami di cni..pretty isn't it?? ::


:: ini je gmbar fclty yg ad..itu bgnan FF1 (office) ::

:: ini pintu msk utama uitm palam ::

:: posing dlu..ahak3..::

:: sorry akak..jadi model jap..itu moto pak guard..bahye! haha..::

haihhh..how i missed uitm so much...lagi suploh tahun dtg sane mesti dah byk perubahan...iyela,kamila pioneer kat ctu..baru fasa 1 siap..after 10 years, mesti smue fasa siap..betambah2 chanteks! jelesnye..!

p/s: kebanyakkan gmbr diambil dr epoi..mekaseh incik epoi..hee..=))

Bingitan Putra

Friday, May 14, 2010
Tajuk cam yo'yo' ooo je..haha..td gi tgk Piala Thomas kat Stadium Putra..dr kol 3ptg  untill 9 mlm..sgt meriah dan bingit ngan jeritan dan sokongan rakyat Malaysia pada pemain2 kebangsaan..walaupon agak kecewa dgn cara mereka berlawan mlm ni,tp papepon, tahniah pada mereka..anda kebanggaan kami..chewah..

Tapikan, satu je ak xpuas hati..LIN DAN!! perlu ke ko nak bukak baju dan menonjolkan dadamu itu di khalayak ramai??!! tau r dah menang..haishh..cam poyo2 sket je..*ak xpuas ati sebenarnye die ni menang* naseb ko tu dh memang hebat lg kacak..blh dimaafkan sket..ahak3..

sekian saje entri ketiadakpuasan hatiku pada lin dan..haha..moge kt berjumpe lagi...caucincau...=)

aku kagum!

bagaimana mereka boleh duduk dihadapan komputer berjam2?
bagaimana mereka boleh mendapat idea yyg berduyun2?
bagaimana mereka boleh menulis tiap2 hari tanpa jemunye?
bagaimana mereka boleh aktif pada setiap saat dan ketikanye?

bagaimana mereka boleh menjadi begitu tegar??!!

hahaha..ak kagum sebenarnye ngan penulis2 blog yg sgt aktif dan sering tdk kehabisan idea dan smangat utk menulis..salute u! weeehaaaa~ teruskan perjuangan anda! ;D

korea ohh korea..


ak mungkin bukan peminat fanatik korea, tapi ak boleyh kate r minat gak tgk cite2 die...full with fairy tales dan itu blh buat ak daydreaming sbentar..seronok kan? wawaawa..kat cni meh ak senaraikan sepuloh jenis cerita korea yg menjadi pilihan hati sejak zaman hingusan lagi..chewah...taste korg maybe berbeza dgn taste ak yee..ak suke yg sedeyh2,leh ak nanges2 jadi emo hingus meleleh..haha..senarai ni smue xde urutan ye..mereka smue no 1 di hatiku...=))
  • Winter Sonata

Ini cite korea pertame kat malaysia..sape xtaw cite ni mmg kasihan..huhu...cite ni la yg membuatkan ak tetarik nk tgk korea..uishh...first time tgk mmg sgt rase kagum..sanggup beli dienye kaset tau..haishh...dah terpecah rahsia..malula saye cam gini..wawawa..

aaaaaaaaa...jun sang!! ko lah hero pertame yg bertakhta di hatiku...uhuk3..heroin die pon pndai belakon..bab nanges ni mmg xde masalah punye..diela heroin air mate pd satu ketika dahulu..
  • Autumn In My Heart
Cite pasal adik-beradik yg sebenarnye bkn adik-beradik dan akhirnye mereka saling jatuh cinta..agak tragis cite ni..mesti kene ad org saket jugak..dan juga basikal..huhu..xpe2..ak tetap suke..cite lame gak ni..tayangkan after winter sonata..not bad..
  • Spring Waltz
Haaaa...ni lagi satu cite feveret ku..ckup dah 3 musim..tgal summer je yg xde..hehe..cite ni pasal kisah cinta zaman kanak2..tp, c lelaki bile meningkat dewasa die seperti tidak dapat kembali kepade kekasih hatinye disebabkan perkare2 tertentu yg terlalu pjg utk ak ulas dan ak sgt malas..hehe..tp,yg blh ak ckp,cite ni cite sedeyh, pemandangan die lawa sbb byk tngkap kat Austria..snowie2..pastu lagu2 die best2 disebabkan hero die memegang watak sbg pemain piano..ohhh...yam suke pianist ni..wawaawa...try r tgk...sape yg taste lbh krg cam ak,pasti memuaskan bile menonton crite ini..=))
  • Save The Last Dance For Me
Cite ni mengisahkan sorg gadis biase bercinta ngan pengurus besar sebuah company. tp, first time die jmpe laki tu, laki tu ilang ingatan disebabkan kene rompak ke ap ntah..xingat dh..tp, pas laki tu gain back his memories, he forgot everything about his lover..sedeyh tau..sang gadis berusaha utk mendapat kembali cinta sang lelaki hingga sgup ke Seoul..cite ni bes..sgt suke..sedeyh2..byk kali ak tgk, byk kali jgk la ak nanges..uhuk3..name hero tu ak pgil Pengurus Jiang..die salah sorg jejake idaman dahulu kala..hik3..
  • All About Eve
Nk gtau korg la eh..cite ni ol time feveret yam..fuhh..hero die gentlemen ooo..heee..menjadi pujaan hati yam..tangan die lawa tau x! =p  yam, ko tau x pengurus tu bru kawen? sbb awek die tgh mengandung..oyooo..

Berbalik kpd crite ni..ia byk mengisahkan kehidupan di dalam bidang penyiaran..hero die sentiase d sisi heroin secare coolnye..pastu ad la hasad2 dengki..tgk r gmbar kat atas tu..tgk muke pon dah tau jhat..geram je..uh,biaselaa kan..korea..
  • Coffee Prince
Sape tau cite ni sile angkat kaki! hehe..cite ni fun laa..diselitkan dgn cinta2 yg sweet2..heroin die ni tomboy tau,pastu sang hero ingat heroin tu lelaki..tp,sang hero blh gak tibe2 terjatuh hati ngan c heroin w'pon waktu tu die ingat heroin tu lelaki..jadi die xkesah kalo org nk pgil die gay..mmg tekad habis..tp,akhirnye die tau gak heroin tu sbenarnye mmg pompuan..then,they live happily ever after..so sweet..ohhh..cite ni byk belatarbelakangkan kedai kopi ye..sbb tu name die pon coffee prince..

props,umah,pakaian,pelakons,smue TRENDY,SMART and CHANTEKS! mmg sy menggilai lifestyle begini..dan rumah begitu..hik3..
  • Shining Inheritance
Cite ni sedeyh ye rakan2..die mengisahkan ttg heroin yg "kematian" bapa dan mak tiri merebut harta dan menghalau heroin dan adek beliau yg ad autism keluar dr umah. ohh ye, pastu nanti pulak,adek heroin ilang. sudah jtuh ditimpa tangga. mlang sguh. tp xpe, heroin die sgt cekal dan due jejake itu byk membantu beliau. ak nanges tgk cite ni..byk air mate..ok,sekian.
  • Stairway To Heaven
Jalan cite die ak sdah tdk brape ingat. yg pasti, ak nanges gak tgk cite ni..haish, asyik nanges je..payah btul..cite ni cam berat sket je..penuh ngan emosi..hero die plak sgt syangkan heroin die..itu yg best tu..hananni ni mmg suke berangan ye..ohh..heroin die ni same cam heroin winter sonata..so, aksi menangis tu mmg hebat r kan..xperlu dipersoalkan..

  • Boys Over Flower
Cite ni ad 4 hero..smue KACAK dan KAYA dan BERGAYE! sy sgt jeles pd sang heroin..cite ni cam sweet2 romantik gitu..hero utama jtuh cinta ngan ordinary girl and he tried his best to protect their love from his evil mom..wawawa..papepon, Lee Minho, i loveeeee uuuuuuuuu! haha..buang tebiat..tolongg~
  • Personal Preference
Genre cite ni comedy,romance..so, xdela heavy sgt..cam fun2,rileks2 sket..cite ni DIGILAI oleh ak skarang ye..korg SILE tgk! huhu..promote2..sgt sweeeeeeeeeeet!  hero die blakon dlm cite boys over flower gak..gosh,no wonder ak jtuh cinta ngan cite ni..c kacak menawan ad..bkn itu saje ye..watak die pon best ye dlm ni..heroin die pon sempoi je..bwk watak hepi go lucky w'pon sentiase malang iaitu org slalu khianati die..tp xpe, ko dpt suploh ribu kali pakwe lg hensem..huuuu..ak jeles..ohh heroooo ku...*daydreaming*

uh,itu sajelah stakat ini suploh senarai feveret ak..smue ni bedasarkan taste and my preferences ye..mungkin pilihan korg berbeza2..yg pnting, ak ske cite yg leh menyentuh ulu hati ak dan sweet revenge...wahahaha..just nk berkongsi mane tau korg xtaw nk wat ap tyme bosan2..lbh baek korg tgk cite korea mengadap tenet daripada korg kua lepak tanpe hala tuju kat shopping mall berjam2 lagi menghabihkan duet..hehe..peace2

:: smue gamba2 di atas di ambil di website mysoju.com. anda juge blh melihat crite2 korea,jepon,taiwan di sane.selamat menonton ::


Saturday, May 8, 2010
After hours of "renovation" for this blog, i'm satisfied with his current look..very colourful..still not matured huh?...haha...changing looks more than making a post..cet! =p

Definition of life and love (Kak Nono et al,2010)

My husband is S/W Engineer by profession, I love him for his steady nature and I love the warm feeling when I lean against his broad shoulders.Two years of courtship and now, five years into marriage, I would have to admit, that I am getting tired of it. The reasons of me loving him before, has now transformed into the cause of all my restlessness.

I am a sentimental woman and extremely sensitive when it comes to a relationship and my feelings. I yearn for the romantic moments, like a little girl yearning for candy. My husband is my complete opposite ; his lack of sensitivity, and the inability of bringing romantic moments into our marriage has disheartened me about LOVE.

One day, I finally decided to tell him my decision, that I wanted a divorce.
" Why? " he asked, shocked.
" I am tired. There are no reasons for everything in the world !" I answered.

He kept silent the whole night, seemingly in deep thought. My feeling of disappointment only increased. Here was a man who was not able to even express his predicament, so what else could I expect from him?

And finally he asked me: " What can I do to change your mind? 
"Somebody said it right... It's hard to change a person's personality, and I guess, I have started losing faith in him. Looking deep into his eyes I slowly answered: "Here is the question. If you can answer and convince my heart, I will change my mind.

Let's say, I want a flower located on the face of a mountain cliff, and we both are sure that picking the flower will cause your death. Will you do it for me? "

He said: " I will give you your answer tomorrow.. .." My hopes just sank by listening to his response.

I woke up the next morning to find him gone, and saw a piece of paper with his scratchy handwriting underneath a milk glass, on the dining table near the front door, that goes....

My dear, " I would not pick that flower for you , but ....please allow me to explain the reasons further.....

This first line was already breaking my heart. I continued reading.

"When you use the computer you always mess up the Software programs, and you cry in front of the screen. I have to save my fingers so that I can help to restore the programs.

You always leave the house keys behind, thus I have to save my legs to rush home to open the door for you.

You love traveling but always lose your way in a new city. I have to save my eyes to show you the way.

You always have the cramps whenever your " good friend " approaches every month. I have to save my palms so that I can calm the cramps in your tummy.

You like to stay indoors, and I worry that you will be infected by infantile autism. I have to save my mouth to tell you jokes and stories to cure your boredom.

You always stare at the computer, and that will do nothing good for your eyes. I have to save my eyes so that when we grow old, I can help to clip your nails and help to remove those annoying white hairs. So I can also hold your hand while strolling down the beach, as you enjoy the sunshine and the beautiful sand...and tell you the colour of flowers, just like the colour of the glow on your young face...

Thus, my dear, unless I am sure that there is someone who loves you more than I do ... I could not pick that flower yet, and die ... "

My tears fell on the letter, and blurred the ink of his handwriting... And as I continue on reading... "Now, that you have finished reading my answer, and if you are satisfied, please open the front door for I am standing outside bringing your favorite bread and fresh milk...

I rushed to pull open the door, and saw his anxious face, clutching tightly with his hands, the milk bottle and loaf of bread....Now I am very sure that no one will ever love me as much as he does, and I have decided to leave the flower alone...

That's LIFE, and LOVE. When one is surrounded by love, the feeling of excitement fades away, and one tends to ignore the true love that lies in between the peace and dullness.Love shows up in all forms; even in very small and cheeky forms. It has never been a model. It could be the dullest and most boring form ...

Flowers, and romantic moments are only used and appear on the surface of the relationship. Under all this, the pillar of true love stands... AND THAT'S LIFE...

Morale of the stories :

* jangan minta supaya sang lelaki utuk memahami anda SAHAJA, tetapi laki2 ingin difahami JUGAK..
* tak semua sang laki2 tak reti nak menunjukkan rasa kasih dan sayang melalui kata2, tapi melalui gaya badan n perbuatan (body language)
* kita dicipta untuk saling melengkapi, bukan untuk dibandingkan di mana kekurangan masing2.. :)


p/s: credit to cik widad..ak amek dr die penulisan ni..tq widad..=)